Haras da Cabana - History of the Brazilian Sport Horse


Values: Love to Horses;
Care for the Nature preservation in all senses;
Respect for people, animals and ideals;

Mission: Our mission is to have Excellence in show jumping horse breeding.

Eyesight: Reference in quality; High performance champion horses; Seriousness and Transparency in the trade of jumping horses. Constant cycle of satisfied buyers

The Brazilian Sport Horse is a breed of horses formed in Brazil with the most important European lineages of jumping and dressage horses, such as Hanoveriana, Holsteiner, Oldenburger, Trakehner, Westfalen and French Saddle, through crossing with each other or with magnificent Pure Specimens English blood from South America.

Features Light, agile and large horse, with height over 1.65m, chest circumference of 1.90m and shin circumference of 21 cm. Medium head with a straight or subconvex profile, medium neck well remarked from the chest and shoulders, remarked withers, back well connected to the loin and croup, strong limbs and brisk, relatively high and extensive gait. They have excellent jumping mechanics, courage, intelligence and elegance in movements. All coats are allowed.

Skills Its characteristics make it suitable for any type of jumping, dressage or complete riding competition. It is a very comfortable, agile and smart trotting horse, very docile and easy to handle.

Brazilian Sport Horse Breeders Association The Brazilian Association of Equestrian Breeders - ABCCH - was born from the strong determination of a group of equestrian lovers who came together around a common ideal: to breed and develop a breed of horses with aptitude for equestrian sports. Starting from rigorously selected animals, already existing in the country, the founders defined as Breeding Breeds, national and foreign, those which were proven to be highly gifted for equestrian sports.
